Quadruple Revenge

The beginning of it all...

(Note: The Dark Figure is actually Luna's soul, if you really want to know who it is. Also, just imagine RD and the CMC all being magically healed by Luna's soul, so that they don't have huge scars or something. Finally, I suck at using the cowboy accent, so Apple Bloom will NOT have that.) 
One day in Equestria, a dark, shadowy figure brought four ponies back to life. Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, to be exact. The figure dissapeared quickly, before the four saw who brought them back to life.
"Aargh, my head... What happened?" Rainbow Dash moaned.
"We don't know either..." The CMC all said together.
But suddenly, they got a vision of what happened to all of them... Being tortured and killed by many psychonies. They saw four ponies who mainly tortured them: Pinkie Pie, Big Maclintosh, Skyblack Graymane and Crimson Darkness.
"Do you all have the same feeling I'm currently feeling?" RD asked.
"I think..." Sweetie said.
"I think so too..." Scoots said.
"REVENGE!" Apple Bloom shouted.
"EXCACTLY!" RD exclaimed.
"Let's get ourself stronger a bit before we avenge ourselves!" The CMC yelled at the same time.

Sweet Apple Acres

Big Maclintosh was helping Granny Smith harvesting the hay and apples. It was a very big and plentiful harvest, and even with Applejack's help, it was a ton of work. At least those annoying Cutie Mark Crusaders were dead, or so he thought. When the sun was setting, Granny rang a bell to basically say: "Work's done, dinner time!" Big Mac developed quite the appetite after all that working, so he hurried over to the house. But, he tripped over a pony's hoof, and he fell with his head on a stone, making him unconcious. He was taken away by Apple Bloom, who also made him trip...

Sugar Cube Corner's bakery

Pinkie Pie was in her basement, pulling a ticket out blindly to see who's number was up. It was Diamond Tiara's number, and she grabbed a nap-time cupcake and a invitation. However, the doorbell rang. 
"I'm coming, just a sec!" She yelled upstairs, and cleaned a bit of blood off her. She laid down the nap-time cupcake and invitation and went upstairs. She locked the basement door just in case. She opened the door, but to her surprise, it was...
"DASHIE? WHAT ARE YOU-" Before she finished her sentence, Rainbow Dash punched her on her head, and Pinkie was unconcious too. Rainbow Dash flied into the sky and carried the body away...

Castle of Equestria

Crimson Darkness and Skyblack Graymane were telling each other what ways of killing they were up to.
"I have invented a game called "Marked Pony". I had a group of six ponies and each night, I carved an X in one of them, and that marked one will be killed. I have killed 3 already!" Sky told.
"Cool, but shouldn't you chasing them?" Crimson asked.
"Come on, it's really early. I can catch up to those slowpokes (No that's not a Pokémon reference, I think that's an actual word.) anytime. But what are you up to?"
"I trapped three ponies in a mansion and they will have to escape by finding many keys and avoiding me and the death traps I placed. Hold on... (Looks into the mansion by magic) THEY'RE STILL CRYING!"
But then, Scootaloo kicked Skyblack in the back of his head harshly, while Sweetie made a sofa and a lot of heavy books crash on Crimson's head...

The secret base

Big Maclintosh moaned in pain.
"Where am I? I think I tripped over something and crashed my head into a stone..."
A harsh light flashed, showing another pony tied up.
"Pinkie? What are you doing here?"
"I could ask the same question to you! Well, I was about to pick a cupcake killing number, when I got hit by a hoof from Dashie..."
"You're a psychony?"
"Me too! I killed the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"
Two more lights turned on, revealing two stallions, also tied up.
"Hey! The Black Death and The Red Fear! How'd you get in here?"
"Like that's any of your business!" Crimson and Sky both shouted. But then...
"OH GOLLY, YOU'RE AWAKE!" Multiple voices said, mocking Pinkie's line.
Four ponies came out of the darkness, revealing themselves...
"HUH? YOU FOUR? BUT WE ALL HAVE KILLED YOU!" The psychonies all said.
"We know." Rainbow Dash said.
"But it's time to get our sweet revenge. Let's get started with Big Mac." The CTM said.
"Crimson, warp us two out of here!" Sky whispered while the four ponies grabbed their stuff to kill Big Mac.
"Okay, I was planning that anyway..." Crimson said, and his horn started glowing softly. They dissapeared, but they appeared there again, tied down.
"Nice try. However, I leared how to block magic..." Sweetie Belle said.
"Fuck!" Crimson said.
The CTM had a weapon that they were gonna use to torture Big Mac: a scythe. They slowly cut off his rapist penis first, while Big Mac screamed in a high pitch voice. The ballsack was also cut off, and the testicles were flattened by the CTM's hooves. Then, they started placing the scythe in Big Mac's neck, and started slitting it very, very slowly. Big Mac chocked on his own blood and died soon after...
Rainbow Dash then grabbed a hacksaw. She placed it on Pinkie's left arm and started sawing slowly. The bones were too hard, so she just threw the hacksaw to the CTM to have fun with Big Mac's corpse. She then grabbed a sledgehammer and crushed each limb's bones. She then hit Pinkie's vagina...
The CTM moved on to Skyblack. And just when they were about to grab their weapon, Scootaloo tackled Apple Bloom. Sky looked right and saw that Crimson's eyes were yellow.
"Soul steal eyes, I never thought I would be THIS happy to see them..." He thought to himself. The soul stealed Scootaloo grabbed the hacksaw and started sawing on Sweetie Belle's horn. As soon as it fell off, Crimson's eyes returned to normal.
"AND WE'RE GONE! SEE YA!" He shouted before teleporting away with Skyblack.
Rainbow Dash screamed with fury, and she killed the CTM before commiting suicide...
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